Nintendo Brings Back Classic Evolution Ad for Switch Launch

Although it started as a playing card company, Nintendo has been a titan in the video game world since the release of the original Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1985.  They’ve also been known to cash in on their retro properties as well (the NES Classic Edition, for example).  It seems that Nintendo has recalled some of its old print copy for the latest incarnation of its gaming console line.

This is the ad currently being circulated to generate hype for the upcoming live Switch Presentation.  If it seems to you like the style is a bit dated, you’re not wrong.  Nintendo is paying homage here to the ad that launched its console into the market 32 years ago.

Here the system is shown beside its video game predecessors, which caused the video game crash of 1983.  Many retail companies were hesitant to even carry video games due to the amount of money that was lost in the 1983 crash. But Nintendo, undeterred, created a system that would cement their legacy in the video game pantheon.

Nintendo is set to unveil more details about the Switch during a live broadcast on 12 January at 11:00 pm EST.  You can watch the presentation love by going to their website here, or by dropping by their YouTube channel here.